Transformed Daily Devotional with Shane Coon on YouTube and FaceBook
Shane Coon knows of child abuse at VCKC and ignored the suffering of the abused parental alienated children, and likely other abused children. 
Knowing of child abuse and doing nothing is illegal as a mandatory reporter of child abuse.
Children need their fathers - Children DO NOT need the Vineyard North Church pastors isolating them from their fathers and indoctrinating the children to lies and false beliefs. 

Child abuse needs TO STOP at the VCKC Vineyard North KC church!

One would not think that Shane Coon would ignore child abuse in the church, because Pastor Greg Hartmann allows the abuse and refuses to report or stop the child abuse.

Shane does need transformation with his own devotionals!

What is Parental Alienation

In the eyes of the law, children need to have a good relationship with both parents, and to achieve that, each parent should have significant quality time with the child. Unfortunately, divorce is usually an ugly affair, and many parents allow their anger to spill over into the lives of their children. When a parent takes steps to isolate a child, make the child angry with, or afraid of, the other parent, it is called alienation.

The primary weapons parents use to alienate their children against the other parent include:

Stop abusing children at the VCKC Shane Coon.

When Vineyard Pastor Greg Hartmann or Pastor Michelle Hartmann or ANY VC pastor is assisting or participating to isolate a child, make the child angry with, or afraid of, the other parent, it is called CHILD ABUSE Parental Alienation! YOU ARE A CHILD ABUSER!!!!

One would think their reputation as a pastor would be worth more than the Luciferian sings King Jesus music - I HAVE A FATHER! Making money with hypocritical lyrical King Jesus messages!

Abused alienated children at VCKC HAVE A FATHER TOO!

Pastor Junior, Pastor Zach Hord, and Pastor Shane Coon at VCKC have jacked up fathers relationships with their children! What a POS that would do this! Arrogant narcissistic Luciferian child abusers!
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Free website hit counter v928b Pastor Greg Hartmann, Michelle Hartmann, Kyle Anderson, Curt Bartlett, Jeremy Buske, Danica Colin, Tim Dykes, Derk Hanna, Gina Hanna, Michelle Hord, Jessica Kennell, David Wiens, Max Wiens, Roger Wilson, Kade Allenbrand, Jody Barrett, Kassie Bird, Chase Brown, Danica Colin, Carla Deason, Dianne Dowler, Matt Henshaw, Zach Hord, Lauren Hussey, John Mann, Olivia Maples, Kelly Martin, Kerryn May, Rachel Miller, Nathan Mills, Whitley Petonke, David Rancudo, Jenny Siercks